Half Year Report 2018 Launch

Investors Central Managing Director, Jamie McGeachie presented the Half Year Report to record numbers of Investors and guests at Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Townsville during March & April. Investors Central and Finance One completed another successful year:


  • $26.3M in new Loans Written (2017 $17.95M)
  • $4.95M Paid to Investors as Interest (2017 $3.59M)
  • $11.54M Total Income (2017 $8.45M)
  • $2.03M Net Income (2017 $1.72M)
  • $153.41M Loan Book Value (2017 $106.67M)
  • $153.41M Loan Book Value (2017 $106.67M)
  • 5.67% Loan Write Off Written Income Ratio (2017 5.79%)
  • 3.53% Doubtful Debt Provision to Written Income Ratio (2017 5.86%)

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