Our Prospectus 2018/2019 and Annual Report were presented to a record number of Investors and guests at lunches in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Townsville in September. The new rates on offer from 4.25% to 12% per annum with terms from 3 months to 60 months were well received.
Highlights of the Year:
- Earned income up 44.28% to $33.69M (2017: $23.35M)
- Net profit before tax up 43.82% to $6.13M (2017: $4.26M)
- Net profit after tax up 44.29% to $4.82M (2017: $2.97M)
- Total Equity up 47.46% to $13.31M (2017: $9.03M)
- Loan Book increased by 40.18% to $121.04M (2017: $86.35M)